Dietistenpraktijk DDietist
Nourish yourself beyond nutrition. Verbinding hervinden tussen hoofd & lichaam; We zijn als voelers geboren & als denkers gemaakt.
In liefde voor jouw lichaam. Emotionele & Praktische hulp - Praktijk locatie (Nederland & Portugal) & Digitale consulten (Wereldwijd).
Holistic coaching; Nutrition & Dietetics; Nutritional, Psychological, Spiritual - Nourish yourself beyond nutrition, since 2010.
Ruim gespecialiseerd in de behandeling van Eetstoornissen, Emotioneel eten, Hoofd-lichaam verbinding, HSP, Hormonale Balans,
het immuunsysteem en het Microbioom, het Zenuwstelsel, Fertiliteit en Zwangerschap.

Clinical, Registered, Holistic Dietician and Cognitive behaviour therapist for dietetics (Expats / English).
Who do you call for professional help with nutrition and lifestyle – maybe to lower cholesterol, cope with a food intolerance, or get expert advice to eat better?
A Registered Dietician will answer your questions, make a personal food plan (personalised, calculated on personal needs, taste, questions of help, etc) or motivates/coach you to change your lifestyle.
The dietician will help you with nutrition and lifestyle advice in addition to:
Diabetes type 1
Diabetes type 2
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
Feeling tired/Low energy levels
IBS - Irritable Bowel syndrome (the FODMAP diet - Pure/Organic, and alternatives to FODMAP (Microbiome lab research and Sensitivity tests - with personal advices to improve gut health)
Crohn disease
Colitis Ulserosa
Constipation, diarrhea - Digestion problems
Dementia and Nutrition (changes in taste)
Histamine Intolerance
Eating disorders
Emotional Eating
(don't eat anymore because you are hurt, anxious, because you are stressed, sad, etc. But eat because of purpose)
(Morbid) Obesity
Behaviour changes (Changing Habits) (Nutrition and Lifestyle)
Sport nutrition
Building muscle mass
Dry skin / skin problems
Thyroid problems
Chemotherapy / Cancer - Nutritional advice
Sleep apnea
Gestational Diabetes
Nutrition and Breastfeeding
Nutrition and Burns
Parkinson disease (nutrition and medicine use)
Proteinrich or poor diet - related to medical state
Restless legs
(Top)models - Nutritional advice
Nutrition and a Gastric bypass
Children and weight problems
Quit smoking and eat healthy
Refined Sugar Free diet - Sugar addiction
Natural/Organic/Pure food plan
Paleo Diet / Low Carb
Vegetarian diet
Vegan diet
Slowjuicing (Green smoothies)
Body Analysis (Tanita Scale - Fat%, Muscle mass, Fat-Free mass, Bone mass, Visceral Fat, Total Body Water, etc.)
Hormone balance
Bariatric Surgery and Nutrition
Metabolic Nutrition plan
Personal Nutrition plan (Personal Goals)
Stress, Burn out and Food
Dietitian & Personal Training (Dietistenpraktijk DDietist works together with different Personal Trainers (NASM & FMS Certified)
(pesco-ovo-vegatarian) Ketodiet
Do you have (a) different health problem(s) or questions about nutrition and lifestyle, other than mentioned above?
Just contact the dietitian to ask if she can help you.
Studies Nutrition and Behaviour for clients, GP's, and specialisations for Dieticians (Daughter-company of Dietistenpraktijk DDietist):
www.dietetiekstudies.nl / www.dietetiekstudies.com
Click here for the Contact formular.
Clinical, Registered, Holistic Dietician &
Cognitive behaviour therapist for Dietetics
(Expats / English)
What does a holistic dietician do?
Holistic dieticians/nutritionists are specialized dieticians/nutritionists that heal patients using natural foods and products instead of conventional medical treatments. They also seek to remedy the entire or “whole” person (mind, body, and soul) as opposed to curing isolated symptoms.
Personal nutritional plans, totally calculated and made on personal goals, taste, help questions.
No 'Dutch' standard nutritional schedules!
Warm lunches are possible, made on personal taste. All nutritional plans are personally made, with a large variety of meal options.

Did you know that 80% of every goal* is reached with nutrition
*Health goals; Lower Cholesterol, Lower Bloodpressure, Better sleeping, Fat loss, Gaining muscle mass, improve sport performance, Hormone balance, upgrade energylevels...
*Nutrition and Dietetics - Feedback on food-diary, Personal Nutritional plan/guidelines, Lifestyle plan, Training schedule.
*Meal and dining out support.
* Cognitive Behaviour Therapie (Behaviour changes).
* Full day services (4 or 8 hours Personal Food & Lifestyle Information, Advices & Coaching).
* Instacoaching.
* Corporate or small business nutrition consulting.
* Supermarket tours and personal grocery shopping lessons.
* Individual, family and small group nutrition counseling for adolescents and adults.
* Media, nutrition presentations and spokesperson.
* Food intake a recipe nutrient analysis.
* Body composition analysis.
* Skin fold Measurements.
* Sour-Base testing (ph - values in the body).
* Macro nutrients - Personal needs, calculated.
* Glucose - Blood-sugar values tests, Vit D tests, Cholesterol tests, Blood pressure.
* Food sensitivity testing, analysis and personal nutrition plan; * Analysis of vitamins & minerals in the body.
Bloodtests / Imu-pro tests (allergies/intolerances).
* Lifestyle programs designed together with a certified a Personal Trainer (optional).
What is a normal and healthy food-pattern for me? The Dietician will help you find out which (combination of) foods and how much is healthy for you personally and your lifestyle...(listening to body signals and having a personal nutritional plan for guidelines).
Consultations in English and Dutch
Remote, Digital consultations, Worldwide consultations....
Paramedical & Holistically
Join our
online Holistic
with 100% personal approach